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Manganese Sulphate Soluble Fertiliser 2kg SREDA Trace Element Fertilizer

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Manganese is a micronutrient that is commonly deficient in soils with a pH level above 6.5. When your plants are lacking of this mineral, they exhibit visible symptoms. For example, beans and many non-grain crops develop yellow or white areas between the veins of the leaves. To remedy this, you can apply manganese sulfate, which is one of the most common fertiliser sources of manganese. You can choose to fertilise with manganese via a soil application or foliar spray

Soil Application

1. Water your plants deeply one week prior to applying the soil application. The extra moisture ensures that the manganese sulfate is properly absorbed into the soil.

2. Spread the required amount of manganese sulfate uniformly over the soil by following the instructions on the container. If you have a larger growing area, use a fertilizer spreader. For landscapes, 1/3 cup  of manganese is typically applied per 10 square meter.

3. Mix the fertiliser into the soil using your hands, or use a rake for bigger areas. Water the soil application area to keep the manganese sulfate from blowing away and enable it to sink deeply into the soil.

Foliar Application

1. Water your plants deeply the week before you plan to apply the foliar spray.

2. Add the appropriate amount of water and manganese sulfate to your tank sprayer by following the instructions on the package. Lock the tank to close it securely, and then swirl it around to ensure the manganese mixes well with the water.

3. Spray your plants thoroughly making sure to cover the tops and bottoms of leaves, the stems and top of soil. The solution should be dripping from your plant when you're done.

4 . Repeat the foliar spray process two or three times for optimum results. Typically, you must wait three weeks before spraying again, but be sure to follow the manufacturer's instructions for proper application. If rainfall occurs shortly after a foliar spray treatment, the spray will be washed away and reapplication will be required.


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